What this site is about

I started compiling this web site in September 2019 to create a framework, resources and methodologies for my 10-year old son's education and upbringing. My motivation is twofold. Firstly, the current educational system, in most countries and in most cases, is still stuck in the industrial era and does not equip children to face the demands and opportunties of Information Age. Secondly, most schools, colleges and universities in the free world are, ironically, under the tyranny of the left-wing globalist wave. I don't want my child to be brainwashed into collectivist causes like LGBTQ, browbeaten under the banner of political correctness into the inability to speak and express himself freely and be taught to be apologetic about his masculinity, religion or race.

The content on this site is divided into Junior, Adolescent and Adult sections. I'm populating each part with resources which I hope will be of real use in my son's education. I'm also documenting, chronologically, all the different teaching approaches I try, as well as the kid's learning and enjoyment outcomes. I intend to standardize any content, methodologies and enabling technologies which prove particularly effective, for future use.

Below are some of the persons, ideas and writings which have influenced and inspired me to embark on this endeavour: